i recently watched a very compelling movie about a mental institution in Israel built for Holocaust survivors. The main character, Adam, is a very charismatic, intelligent man who is loved by all at the institution. Before the war he was a circus ring leader and among many other talents, he is able to somehow read people's minds. Like most Holocaust movies, this one is graphic and tragic, but there was one specific scene that I cannot seem to shake from my mind.
- I have been saved by the blood of the lamb, a miracle
- I am so wealthy in friendships it's unbelievable
- I didn't die during Noah's birth (seriously a miracle)
- Noah didn't die during his birth, another miracle
- Noah himself is a miracle every single day
- I was told I wouldn't walk for 6 months after childbirth but I was walking after 3! miraculous
- The Lord SAVED my dying marriage last year and has restored what the locusts had eaten
- The Lord saved/is saving so many of my friend's marriages
- Kaison Joseph, my nephew is a miracle
- Mark having a well-paying job right now is a miracle
- Meeting the Holy Spirit and having a relationship with Him is a miracle
- Our music touching anyone, anywhere is a miracle
- A friend of ours survived a drunk driver hitting him a month ago; miracle
- I have several pregnant friends right now: ALL Miracles!
- I graduated from college: miracle....for real
- Lasik eye surgery - changed my life
- When I was two years old I fell off a 2 story balcony without even a scrape or bruise
- In college I encouraged a friend to not have an abortion; miracle
- I have beautiful friendships with my parents, my brother & sister-in-law; such a gift
- I am the Mother of Princes (the first prophetic word I ever received - now actually true)
- I have the most talented, intelligent, witty, fun, good-looking husband on the planet! My love and respect grows for him daily. I am truly a blessed wife.
- Our health, a blessing
- Several young friends with cancer: ALL are in remission! Praise God!
- My friend's short film winning at Sundance Film Festival last year - a miracle
- Getting deliverance in my sleep
- An encouraging, life-altering dream involving my deceased grandfather
- Meeting my son's angel named "Protection" when I thought I was going into pre-term labor
- Not going into pre-term labor when I passed a kidney stone at 7 months
- Passing a kidney stone while pregnant and not dying - a miracle
- Never receiving a hospital bill for the 2 night's stay kidney episode in Chicago
- Getting $19,000 worth of hospital bills from labor and delivery knocked down to $3,500!!!
- Not having to pay for anything involving my paralyzed legs: 3 different doctors and an MRI
- My Dad biking the Muscular Dystrophy Bike ride every year after knee and hip replacements, a miracle
- The fact that the Lord's mercies are new every morning is a miracle
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:6-8
Know that the LORD is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100:3-5
{The movie mentioned earlier is called 'Adam Resurrected' and is graphic and heavy. There is redemption in the film, though. Not a movie for the faint-hearted.}
The photo is me on the Mount of Olives with Jerusalem in the background. And there's a tiny, little Noah in my womb. June 2008